Anxiety Treatment
in Orlando, FL

You often tell people that you’re “stressed out.”

You worry about everything, especially things that might happen.

It’s hard to concentrate because you’re constantly trying to deal with your worrisome thoughts.

Anxiety is debilitating and persistent. Often, people with anxiety report feeling anxious all day long. Perhaps, you wake up in the morning worrying about what might happen during the day. Then, when it’s time to go to bed, you toss and turn and are unable to fall asleep because you’re so anxious.

Furthermore, anxiety consumes your thoughts and it makes it hard to concentrate. Maybe, your mind wanders while you’re at work. Even though you do your best to focus on your lengthy to-do list, your anxiety creeps up and makes your life extremely hard.

Perhaps, you've experienced moments of panic, where your heart races, your chest feels tight, you feel warm all over, and your breathing is rapid. Maybe, you know what brings these panic attacks on, or maybe they come out of nowhere. Regardless, they’re extremely unpleasant and draining.

Sometimes you wish you could just quiet your mind. You’re tired of feeling so anxious. Instead, you want to feel confident and calm. You’re tired of living with anxiety, but you’re not sure how to cope with life’s stressors.

Common symptoms of anxiety

Image of a man sitting on a couch and looking exhausted. This man is representative of the many men who suffer from anxiety and could benefit from anxiety treatment in Orlando, FL. | 32789
  • Feeling nervous, stressed, panicked, or anxious

  • Persistent feelings of dread and worry

  • Unwanted scary thoughts

  • Fear of what might happen

  • Feeling panicked

  • Physical symptoms: muscle tension, rapid heart rate, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, sweating, trembling, headaches, or GI issues

  • Changes in sleep: sleeping too much or too little, feeling exhausted even when you’ve slept, trouble falling asleep

  • Appetite changes: overeating or lack of appetite

anxiety is extremely common

In fact, research shows that 40 million Americans have an anxiety disorder.

Actually, from a biological perspective, anxiety is your body’s way of protecting you from danger to ensure survival. For example, when you’re walking through an alley at night and something makes a noise behind you, you’re likely to feel panicked and anxious. This is your body’s way of protecting you and triggering your fight or flight response.

But what happens when you’re not in imminent danger? That feeling of panic or anxiety may set in regardless of the presence of a threat. Like, when you’re driving and out of nowhere you become extremely anxious. You can’t stop thinking about something that might happen at work next week. You know, you’re likely worrying about something that won’t actually happen, but you can’t seem to stop.

Perhaps, you’ve tried talking to your friends or family about your worries and they attempt to offer reassurance that you’re “worried about nothing.” You expect it to make you feel better, but it doesn’t. You still find yourself ridden with anxiety. And, starting to take a toll on your life.

My approach to anxiety treatment in Orlando, FL

The good news is anxiety is very treatable. You don’t have to live with constant stress and worry. You can find relief from the symptoms of anxiety and live your life to the fullest.

An image of three lettered cubes reading “CBT.” CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is an effective form of anxiety treatment in Orlando, FL. | 32746

At my counseling center in Orlando, FL I help adults with anxiety regain control of their thoughts. We will begin by getting to know each other. I offer a safe and non-judgemental place for you to talk about your anxiety. I want you to feel comfortable opening up and talking to me about the things that are really bothering you.

When you first begin counseling, I will take some time to get to know you. I want to learn more about you and what’s triggering your anxiety. So I will ask you questions about your past and current situation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

I use an evidence-based form of psychotherapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you identify your helpful or unwanted thoughts. Then, we will work together to reframe them into more productive and positive ideas.

Also, I will work with you to find relief from the symptoms that are making you uncomfortable. To do this, I will teach you and help you practice a variety of coping techniques. These tools will be tailored to meet your unique needs. For example, you may learn and practice deep breathing techniques that are designed to ground you. Therefore, helping to reduce your anxiety.

When you feel confident in your ability to handle stressful situations, you will feel a powerful sense of relief. You will be able to move forward in your life without questioning every thought or action. You’ll finally be free from the anxiety that’s weighing you down so you can live a happy and fulfilled life.

Start Anxiety Treatment in Orlando, FL

An image of a woman hugging herself and looking peaceful. She is representative of the feelings of peace individuals can get from anxiety treatment in Orlando, FL. | 32779 | 32750

Your brain is on overdrive. And you’re tired of feeling tired. Working through your anxiety with me will help you find relief from those symptoms that just won’t stop. Follow the steps below to get started.

  1. Contact me via email at

  2. Meet with me and we will discuss your mental wellness goals.

  3. Begin feeling less weighed down by anxiety and free to live your life fully.

Other Services Offered at Dr. Jaclyn Gulotta Counseling

At my Orlando-based counseling practice, your goals are the most important. Whether you are struggling with individual concerns or relationship problems, I want to help. Along with anxiety treatment, I provide marriage counseling and couples therapy to partners seeking guidance. Further, you can access all of my therapeutic services from home using online therapy in Florida. With online therapy in Orlando, we can work together from anywhere in the state. Reach out to me and we begin making progress on your wellness journey.