What to Do After a Fight With Your Partner

Here are some tips to use after a fight with your partner:

Respect each other’s personal space. Allow your partner to take a break if needed.

Give time to process emotions. Allow your partner to feel what they are feeling in their own way.

Reconnect. Use this time to build upon the trust.

Talk about your expectations moving forward. Set healthy boundaries.

Take accountability and apologize. Own up for your actions and let your partner know you are working to put in the effort.

Remember that difference of opinion is not the problem. It’s how we communicate this to our partners. This is where we get stuck in the negative patterns of arguments due to becoming defensive and protecting ourselves.

Think of your partner as your equal and project positive thoughts “as if” they have the best intentions for you so you can stay mindful of your reactions.

When we become self-aware of our responses in relation to what we perceive as threatening conversation, we may act to protect rather than act to understand and clarify.

These practices may help each partner feel validated and understood. Also, they may help to allow each partner to express their emotions in a calm space.

By having time to process your thoughts, you can then decide how you want your partner to receive the message respectfully.

By talking about it, you open the door to more honest conversation and reconnect on a deeper level.


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